Next Generation Talents

In conjunction with the Musikschule Zug and Begabtenförderung der Musikschulen des Kanton Zug, young burgeoning artists get the opportunity to showcase their talent.
Next Generation Talents
Everyone knows how it works at rock concerts. Before the big stars come on stage, you have a support act. And sometimes you have a pleasant surprise and get to discover a new band whose name you will remember and add to your future playlists.

We have been following this principle at selected classical events at the Theater Casino Zug for the past two years. In conjunction with the Musikschule Zug, young burgeoning artists get the opportunity to showcase their talent. For half an hour, they get to show the public just what they can do and live out their unbridled passion for music. We will publish full details of the programmes ahead of the performances, but one thing that we can already promise you is that the youngsters have been known to put the big names in the shade and steal the limelight…

Event dates

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 from 5:00 PM to 5:30 PM.

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