Odeum - immersive experience - Baar

Gastronomy experience

The Odeum offers a special experience in the centre of a 360° video installation with unique images, effects and sounds. Whether for a meeting or a gourmet treat, the Odeum is sure to delight.

Gruppe beim Dining im Odeum

The innovative menu combines the elements of water, fire, earth and air in a surprising way. Taste, textures, aromas and consistency, together with the visual, tactile and acoustic accompaniment, form a unique culinary journey for the senses.

  • A room: in the middle of a 360° video installation with unique images, effects and sounds. An intense ode to nature. Unique in Switzerland.
  • One table: 10 guests sit together at one table in the Odeum and experience a grandiose dinner with all their senses. With perfect, individual service.
  • A menu: Each dish is a tribute to the beauty and power of nature. The flavors and textures of exquisite ingredients are perfectly combined.

During the day, the Odeum can also be used as a meeting room with 360° visualization. How about a meeting on the Rigi or the Matterhorn, for example?