
Cycling tour

Starting from the idyllic old town of Zug, you can enjoy an ingenious e-bike tour over the Zugerberg into the surrounding hills.

Eine Frau und eine Mann fahren auf dem Velo vor einer Kapelle durch. Die Kapelle steht auf einer Wiese und ist mit Kirschbäumen umgeben.

In addition to the panoramic views of lakes and mountains, the commemorative site of the Battle of Morgarten, where in 1315 the Swiss Confederation faced its first test of strength, beckons.

But the Morgarten-Round is not only halberd and nail club, but also a strong ride into the national nature reserve "Rothenthurmer Moor" as well as the magical Lorzentobel with its industrial monuments and the cave system of the "Höllgrotten". The route covers 70km and 1,300 meters in altitude and offers a magnificent piece of primeval Switzerland to touch. If you prefer a more leisurely ride, you can extend the tour to Einsiedeln, stay overnight there and do the tour with 90km and 1,700 meters of altitude gain.

On this tour