SUP Tour Lake Aegeri

Water tours

Absolute silence; only the dip of the paddle can be heard. The snow-capped peaks of the Alps tower in the background. This backdrop makes you forget everyday life in an instant.

Zwei Stand-up-Paddelnde sind auf dem Ägerisee. Im Hintergrund sind die schneedeckten Gipfel der Alpen zu sehen.

It is hard to believe that a historic battle, the Battle of Morgarten, was once fought on the shores of this pearl. Today, only the memorial and the information center remind us of it. They are certainly worth a visit.

Lake Aegeri is perfect for a SUP touring adventure. The neat restaurants on the shore invite you to linger and the camping site Unterägeri is a good place to spend the night. In June, we paddled the SUP tour from the Morgarten Monument to the campsite and would love to set off again right away.

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